Chapter Awards, Chapters Congress, and Visit Program

2010 Chapter awards - In January the AdCom approved the increased dollar values for the chapter awards ($800(1st), $600 (2nd) $400 (3rd) and $200 (others) ). It has been approved by TABARC and is anticipated for approval by TAB in June. Awards packages have been sent out for all to fill out with a due date of end of May, so we can determine the winners by summer. The awards will be handed out at the Fall AdCom meeting, scheduled in West Virginia late Sept.

2011 Chapter awards and Chapters Congress. AdCom approved the proposal to fund a Chapters Congress in conjunction with the 2011 chapter awards. For those not familiar with the Chapters Congress, it's a one day event where we try to get the chapter chairs together. Presentations by the RS President and Vice Presidents will share what is happening in their areas of the Society. There will also be an introduction to IEEE and all it has to offer. Then an exchange of information from all the chapter chairs - lessons learned, questions, ideas, etc Chapter awards will be handed out at this meeting.

The last item to share is that another proposal was accepted by AdCom. That being the Chapter Visit program. It is where the AdCom members are encouraged to visit the chapters when they happen to be in that city on other travel. The AdCom is encouraged to notify the chapter when they will in their city to either speak at one of their monthly meetings or just meet the officers. The society would fund an extra night hotel and a dinner for the chapter officers.

If you have any questions or ideas to improve chapter operations, please contact Loretta Arellano at